From the 6th till the 8th of October the yearly conference of German Mushroom growers was held in Würzburg. With a record of visitors of more than 170 it indeed was an interesting program. On Friday several interesting lectures were held, for example about new regulations about champost waste by Dr. Peter Oswald, possibilities of using champost as a substrate for vegetables in greenhouses by Piet Mertens of Pull BV, Netafim a company that introduces watering systems inside the beds and especially Horizontal growing systems by Limbraco. The last one was also visible during the farm walk on Saturday at Pilzland Essleben. Pilzland Essleben is a part of the Pilzland group. Pilzland produces about 1500 tons of phase III compost per week and 335 tons of fresh mushrooms weekly. All the brown mushrooms they produce is Hollander Spawn FB29
68 Jahrestagung BDC Oktober 2016 Würzburg