From 8 to 10 October, the 67th annual general meeting of the “Bund Deutscher Champignon- und Kulturpilzanbauer” was held in Potsdam. On Friday several lectures were held such as Dr. Renate Spraul was giving a lecture about labour processes. After that Michael Legrand from Grünes Medienhaus reported about the number of visits to the website Dr. Lelley was also speaking about the Hochschule Niederrhein university which has launched a centre for expertise for applied mycology. And in the end Mr. Jack Lemmen of GTL Europe held a lecture about saving money in terms of energy in building smart. On Saturday morning we visited Havelland Champignon located in Tietzow. The compost plant build in 2013 has a capacity of making 3.000 tons of phase I compost. Every week 120 tons of mushrooms are harvested here. About 25 till 30 % of all mushrooms is the brown variety of Hollander Spawn FB29.